The AMD District of London Council of Improvement is pleased to announce that as from February 2021, we will be adding an additional COI session to be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. This means that the COI will be held on the 2nd and Last Tuesdays of the month.

The 2nd Tuesday of each month will focus on the Installation ceremony (primarily the Inner Workings) and as such will be open to current Masters and Past Masters.

The last Tuesday of each month we will continue to practice the 5 degrees. However, we are also mindful that of the 5 degrees, The Red Cross of Babylon (RCB) and Grand High Priest (GHP) need more time due to their complexity and length. So, we intend to alternate between these 2 degrees each month and at the same time combine them by cycling through the other 3 degrees (SLM, KPC & GTS). Each month, therefore, will see either RCB or GHP along with either one of SLM, KOC or GTS.

We hope that by scheduling it this way we will practice all the degrees on a more regular basis than before.

We would therefore hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to get yourself prepared for when we do inevitably return to our Council meetings - and not only be excited about meeting again but be proud to put on the best display we can for our Brothers joining the Order, taking their other degrees or indeed going into the Chair.

The revised schedule can be found on the link below, which also contains a link to the AMD COI registration form to be added to our mailing list.

COI Information, Schedule and Registration