A fantastic evening of fun and superb ritual at Rumbelow Council No. 67 on Wednesday 22nd March when they welcomed R.W. Bro. Colin Woodcock MBE, District Grand Prefect and a delegation of District officers.

Proceedings got underway in an unusual manner with the Lodge accounts being presented by the lodge accounts Gilbert and Sullivan, channeled via W. Bro. Richard Higginson with full choral support.

Next up was the ceremony of Knight of Constantinople with W. Bro. Mark Riches leading from the chair and the two candidates Bro. Paul Burgess and Bro. Paul Busby being conducted in splendid fashion by V. W. Bro. Jules Greenwall. All finished off by a flawless lecture by W. Bro. Terry Hall.

Both Bro. Pauls were then treated to W. Bro. Keith Florence giving a superb performance as King Solomon for Grand Tilers of Solomon. Once again ably assisted by V. W. Bro. Jules Greenwall who conducted the candidates and again all finished off by another flawless lecture by W. Bro. Terry Hall.

After the meeting was closed, brethren made their way to the holding area on the 2nd floor (aka The Bar), before assembling in the Connaught room to partake in a splendid and convivial festive board. Wine was taken, Toasts were made before brethren toasted to their next merry meeting.

More photos from the meeting can be viewed here