A great turn out for the meeting of Londinium Council No. 47 on Tuesday 16th May. The Council was opened, and the brethren first welcomed the District Grand Senior Warden, W. Bro. Peter Warner, and a delegation of District Grand Officers. They then welcomed the Deputy Grand Master R. W. Bro. Ian Bailey who was escorted by the Grand Director of Ceremonies V. W. Bro. Glyn Goddard.

The Council then Introduced, Received and Admitted Bro. Marco Visconti into the Order. The ceremony being conducted in fine style by the WM W. Bro. John Waggott. We were all then treated to an excellent rendition of the lecture by W. Bro. Colin Howard.

The WM then proceeded to install Bro. Matthew Christmas as Worshipful Master. W. Bro. Christmas then proceeded to install his officers for the year.

The rest of the Lodge business was then conducted before the Council was closed and the distinguished Brethren processed out. 

The brethren then assembled in the bar before taking their seats in the Earl of Euston room for the festive board. Wine was taken, toasts were made before the Worshipful Master wished us all well until the next merry meeting.

More photos from the meeting can be viewed here