A New London AMD Council is born

The Goose & Gridiron Council is Consecrated

DSC04922On 13th March 2017, at Mark Masons’ Hall, London, The Goose & Gridiron Council No.275 was consecrated by the Grand Master M.W. Bro. Thomas Firth Jackson and a full team of Grand Officers. Events started at 11am and the ceremony was conducted in a most excellent way by the Grand Officers and Petitioners. After R.W. Bro. Colin Woodcock - our District Grand Prefect - was installed as the first Worshipful Master, the new Council was closed and 80 of the 90 brethren attending were treated to a fabulous Carvery luncheon where the Grand Master was presented with a wonderful stainless steel Gridiron, designed and manufactured for this very special occasion.

GGThe name “Goose & Gridiron” is a direct reference to the ale-house that was located in a section of London known as St. Paul’s Churchyard, and where – officially – the Grand Lodge of England was founded on 24 June, 1717. The Council’s name, therefore, is a timely reminder of our Masonic heritage in this the tercentenary year of Craft Masonry. It also, of course, a reference to St Lawrence the Martyr and the manner in which he died – an event that plays a crucial part in one of the Allied Masonic Degrees.

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The Goose & Gridiron is the first new Council for the District of London since 2006, and will meet on Saturdays to address the demand of AMD members unable to commit to weekday meetings.


AMD London Awareness Evening

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On 19th January, the District Grand Prefect Colin Woodcock hosted an Awareness Evening at Mark Masons’ Hall for the District of London.

After warmly welcoming the 50 or so Brethren, of whom 30 were potential candidates, the DGP gave a brief history of the Order and talked about the how the District is organised, the regalia of the Order and the lessons that the five degrees teach us.

The Deputy District Grand Prefect, Steven Warwick, then mentioned the imminent consecration of the new Council – the Goose & Gridiron – and how the District anticipated that this new unit, meeting on a Saturday, would appeal to younger Masons who perhaps had busy work schedules during the week.

The District Grand Prefect then opened the floor to questions, of which there were several, before inviting those present to join him for one of Mark Masons’ Hall’s excellent carveries. There then followed more conversations over a few post-dinner drinks in the bar!

A Christmas Message - 2016

Dear Brethren all, where has the year gone? I do not know about you but time has really flown by; perhaps it is a sign of our times, so much to do - family, work and Masonic commitments, anxious time spent urging our cricket team to excel, wasted time spent encouraging the English football team and then there was the rugby – we beat Australia, ahh… total bliss! Nothing else matters, success is infectious and brings much contentment. So I arrive at this time of year with a spring in my step and without a raincoat, the weather has even perked up and all that is left is for me is to make my last-minute dash to the shops for some gifts. Every year I end up in John Lewis in Oxford Street on or around Christmas Eve. The shop is a saviour for shoppers like me; I am sure the staff know me and smile benignly as I trudge out laden with bags – they must remember me from last year!

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DGP’s Address to District Grand Council – 19th November 2016

DGP’s Address to District Grand Council


Distinguished guests, brethren all, I have already made so many ‘welcomes’ here but let me, once again welcome you all to our District Meeting.  I do appreciate the support you have all given by making DSC04781the effort to be here today, our numbers are up this year, yet again, and it certainly enhances any meeting to have good numbers.

It continues, for me, to be an enormous privilege to hold the office of District Grand Prefect for London and I am conscious of this every time that I visit a council or when I represent you in other Districts.  Between Steven, myself and the Wardens of the year we have visited widely across the District and on every occasion we have been met with all we would expect from this Order – good Companionship, well worked ceremonies and an enthusiasm and commitment to the Allied Masonic Degrees.

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