Inaugural London District Luncheon – The Guildhall

Tuesday 10th November 2015
The Guildhall, Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7HH


Our District Grand Prefect, RW Bro Colin Woodcock MBE extends a personal invitation to all London Allied Masons, their families, friends and potential new members to the naugural London District Lunch.

The morning begins at 11.30am with a private tour of The Guildhall by our sponsor and host Bro Alex Bains-Stewart who, as a member of the Common Council, will be able to give us a wonderful insight into the workings of the Corporation of the City of London as well as the history of the building. Following the tour there will be a drinks reception after which lunch will be served in the Boardroom.

This event is designed to allow you to meet RW Bro Colin and other members of the District in an informal and relaxed setting in addition to providing an interesting day for your family and friends

Pricing for the lunch is set at £40.00 per person, however places are limited and early booking is recommended. Such events at the Guildhall are only available through the ‘sponsorship’ of individuals associated with the Corporation of the City of London and we are therefore indebted to our host Bro Alex Bains-Stewart.

Given that our Bro Alex has generously agreed to sponsor our lunch we have agreed that we will forward him a single consolidated payment, Bro Scott Dunn has agreed to receive payments and make payment to Bro Alex on behalf of the District.


Booking form

London District Annual Meeting

Saturday, 21st November 2015
Opening at 11.00 a.m. prompt at Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St James’s Street, London SW1A 1PL
(Brethren are requested to take their seats by 10.45 a.m.)

The District Grand Prefect R W Bro Colin R Woodcock M.B.E. would greatly appreciate your personal appearance at this Meeting, which is open to all Allied Masons and particularly new Members to the District of London.

Should you wish to attend please return the enclosed attendance form to the District Grand Secretary. It would also be very helpful if all non-diners could return the form or reply via email to give us an idea of the numbers that we may expect. The summons will be available on the day.

Festive board Menu:
Trio of smoked fish: Traditional Carvery with choice of Beef or Pork: Orange Panacotta: Coffee/Tea & Mints] (Price is inclusive of Wines)

Dining Form

Grand Council AGM

grand council smallThe next meeting of the Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees will be held at 12:30pm on Tuesday 27 October 2015 at Freemasons’ Hall, 60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ

The Grand Master, M.W.Bro. Thomas Firth Jackson will be presiding and it is his wish that as many Brethren that are able to attend do so.


Meeting commences at 12:30pm
Meeting finishes at 2:30pm
Dining starts at 3:00pm
Dining finishes approx. 5:00pm

Dining Form
Minutes (2014)

September message from the District Grand Prefect

14 8Greetings one and all,
September has arrived with uncertain weather, variable news for rail travellers and a fairly up and down stock market, however this month also heralds the beginning a new Allied Masonic season which prospect alone can bring a smile to our faces, a lighter tread to our walk and the certainty of an enjoyable time with our friends.

I hope that the summer months have been good to you, it has not been too bad for sunshine and the rain we did get was needed, perhaps not so much all at once but I have noticed the soft fruit and tomatoes have done rather well – more chutney than I can give away!!  Holidays or time spent relaxing are always good value and even better for the brain, Doctors will prescribe rest and relaxation but do not go so far as to give a prescription for it, oh well – happy memories.

We have not been too dormant during the few months break - the Communications Team have been working hard on the website and following our Secretaries and Treasurers meeting, which was well attended and very successful, we have new ideas and suggestions which will be taken forward over the next few months and publicized on the website.

The date of November 10th has been selected for a lunch for members, partners, as well as prospective candidates, please support this venture.  If it is a success then we can repeat it at appropriate intervals (once a years seems about right at the moment) but as ever, your feedback is needed.  At the time of writing the venue has not been selected but all details will be on the Website and circulated to all Councils.

The Allied Masonic Degrees Grand Meeting is to be held in London on 27th October, please come along and support this meeting, it is the second time in London and it would be nice for a good amount of support from us.  It is also a good opportunity to see and meet with our Grand Master – MW Bro Tom Jackson.

But the big event for us is our District Meeting, which is to be held at MMH on Saturday 21st November 2015.  Last year we had another increase in numbers and this year I would like us to have even more, it would be great to see all newly joined members there with support from their Councils.

Our programme of Full Team Visits is being finalized along with the other visits to take place; offers of appointments and promotions have been sent to those deserving candidates and plans are well afoot for a new Masonic Year.

All in all an exciting propsect and I am looking forward to visiting and meeting with you all over the next 10 months or so for what I am sure will be another happy and successful year for London AMD.

All best wishes
Colin Woodcock
District Grand Prefect