Councils of London - Council of the Four Kings June 2024
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Category Viewed: 226x
Councils of London - Britannic Council of Madeira June 2024
Number of images in category: 21
Category Viewed: 531x
Councils of London - Guild of Freemen May 2024
Number of images in category: 4
Category Viewed: 386x
Councils of London - Londinium May 2024
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Category Viewed: 300x
Councils of London - Londinium Matutinus May 24
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Category Viewed: 323x
Councils of London - Britannic Council of Madeira Apr24
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Category Viewed: 360x
Councils of London - Metropolitan March 2024
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Councils of London - Metropolitan A Jan 2024
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Councils of London - Council of the Four Kings - Nov 23
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Councils of London - Metropolitan_Nov2023
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Councils of London - Perram_Oct23
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Councils of London - BCM September 2023
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Councils of London - Londinium Council May 2023
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Councils of London - Londinium Matutinus May 23
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Councils of London - Britannic Council of Madeira April 2023
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Councils of London - Rumbelow - March 2023
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Councils of London - Council of the Four Kings - Nov 2022
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Category Viewed: 1089x
Councils of London - Metropolitan Nov 2022
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Councils of London - Perram 31st October 2022
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Councils of London - Goose and Gridiron 15th Oct 2022
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Councils of London - Brigadier Galloway Oct 14th 2022
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Category Viewed: 1077x
Councils of London - Britannic Council of Madeira Sept 2022
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Category Viewed: 1331x
Councils of London - Rose & Lily Sept 2022
Number of images in category: 21
Category Viewed: 3749x
Councils of London - Britannic Council of Madeira June 2022
Number of images in category: 13
Category Viewed: 1270x
Councils of London - Guild of Freemen May 2022
Number of images in category: 6
Category Viewed: 1504x
Councils of London - Metropolitan A Meeting Jan 2022
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Category Viewed: 1464x
Councils of London - Londinium - Nov 2021
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Category Viewed: 1555x
Councils of London - Metropolitan_Nov2021
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Councils of London - Londinium May 2021
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Category Viewed: 1736x
Councils of London - Metropolitan

A fantastic meeting of Metropolitan Council "A" T.I. on 15th January.

Some fine ritual in St. Lawrence the Martyr with 2 new members coming into the order. This was followed by some further splendid ritual for Grand Tilers of Solomon with a number of members and visitors taking the degree.

All followed by a most enjoyable festive board. 


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Category Viewed: 2882x
Councils of London - District Grand Secretary Visits Perram Council No.45

A most convivial meeting of Perram Council No.45 on Tuesday 29th October, with an official visit by the District Grand Secretary, W. Bro. Peter Warner, who was accompanied by a delegation of 5 escorting officers.

A busy night for W. Bro. Anthony Clayton as the current Worshipful Master, who first conducted the Introduction of Bro. Louis Myers as a Brother of St. Lawrence the Martyr. Then as Installing Master, W. Bro. Clayton, conducted the installation of the new Worshipful Master W. Bro. David Grimmer, in a fine manner.

The new Worshipful Master then installed his officers and closed the lodge in a similar splendid manner.

The brethren then retired to the bar before partaking a joyful festive board.


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Category Viewed: 4045x
Councils of London - District Grand Prefect visits Brigadier Galloway

It was Allied Masonry at it's finest at the recent mtg of The Brigadier Galloway Council.

With an official visit by the District Grand Prefect (complete with Delegation), one of the finest Installations seen in years and a warm and lively Festive Board it really was 'one to remember'.

Without doubt the highlight of the meeting was W.Bro. Tony Carew-Hunt installing Bro. Thomas D'Souza in a splendid manner with great warmth and feeling.

RW Bro Colin Woodcock thanked the Council for the fantastic welcome he received commenting - "We have been provided with some fine ritual and excellent companionship, it has been a pleasure to attend"


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Category Viewed: 3992x
Councils of London - Britannic Council of Madeira Meeting April 2019

The members of Britannic Council of Madeira enjoyed a double-whammy of a meeting on 2 April. Not only were they honoured by the presence of the Deputy District Grand Prefect and his Delegation, but they were also privileged to have a candidate for Admission. The ceremony was conducted very well by the Worshipful Master (“Major Major”) and the Lecture was superbly delivered by Roger Keys.

The members then proceeded to the Festive Board for a particularly good meal and equally enjoyable company.


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Category Viewed: 4988x
Councils of London - Guild of Freemen Council Meeting  25th May 2018

It was a very busy meeting at the Guild of Freemen Council No. 145 at Mark Masons’ Hall, London on Friday 25th May 2018. First they had a candidate for St Lawrence, followed by the Installation of a new Master - enjoyed by a District delegation headed by the Deputy District Grand Prefect, Steven Warwick and all the members and vistors. A super meeting followed by a most convivial Festive Board.


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Category Viewed: 4555x
Councils of London - Londinium Council on the 15th May 2018

A surperb meeting of Londinium Council on the 15th May. Colin Howard was Installed as WM and then immediately conducted the Grand Tilers of Solomon Degree in a quite excellent manner. This once struggling Council is now positively booming...


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Category Viewed: 4134x
Councils of London - Brigadier Galloway Council No. 126 meeting 13th April 2018

On Friday 13th April, members of Brigadier Galloway Council expertly led by WM Victor Parnis defied any ill omens associated with the date by delivering a superb demonstration of the Knights of Constantinople. Bro Dmytro, the acting candidate, and all present felt enlightened by a ceremony delivered with flair and sincerity, not least by the Senior Deacon, Bro Pierre.

Deputy District Grand Prefect, W Bro Stephen Warwick PGSD, was in attendance and addressed the brethren at a most convivial evening. The evening was organised by W Bro Peter Warner, who is also District Grand Secretary.


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Category Viewed: 4089x
Councils of London - Perram Council No.45 Meeting January 2018

The brethren of Perram Council and their visitors had an excellent meeting recently. Not only were there two very interested and eager candidates to join the Order and the Knights of Constantinople, but the Council was also honoured with a visit from the District Grand Senior Warden - WBro Philip Freedman - accompanied by a very full retinue of District Officers.

Both ceremonies were conducted with aplomb by Worshipful Master Stephen Gallacher, assisted by his officers, in dramatic ceremonial and sincere lectures.

The Secretary, WBro Peter Dack, outlined the measures taken which have successfully restored the Council to good standing and all agreed at a splendid Festive Board, graced with lamb shanks, that the future of Perram, a Council with a distinguished history, looks very good indeed. The Brethren even managed to finish early enough to beat the Knights of Malta to the bar!


Number of images in category: 7
Category Viewed: 4380x
Councils of London - Meeting of The Council of the Four Kings No.7 Jan 2018

Members and visitors alike enjoyed a fine evening at Council of the Four Kings on Tuesday 23rd January. The WM, W Bro Stephen Fenton was delighted to welcome RW Bro Colin Woodcock DistGPref, who was accompanied by a delegation of District Officers. W Bro Stuart Graves conducted a quite superb Grand High Priest degree, following which the Brethren dined together in unity.


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Category Viewed: 4499x
Councils of London - Goose and Gridiron Meeting October 2017

The members and guests of The Goose and Gridiron Council No. 275 enjoyed a fine Saturday morning meeting on the 21st Oct. Firstly, the Council Admitted 3 new members into the Saint Lawrence Degree and followed this by Installing a new WM, both ceremonies being conducted by the District Grand Prefect, RW Bro Colin Woodcock MBE. A light luncheon, with much conviviality, was later enjoyed by the Brethren.


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Category Viewed: 4680x
Councils of London - Britannic Council of Madeira

The Britannic Council of Madeira was honoured to receive the Deputy District Grand Prefect, Steven Warwick, and his Delegation at the regular meeting on 29 March. Visitors and members of the Delegation were only too happy to “muck in” and help deliver a memorable ceremony of the Grand Tilers of Solomon for the 2 candidates. Following the meeting, there was a lively Festive Board during which the Deputy District Grand Prefect encouraged everyone to attend the forthcoming Spring Luncheon on 21st April.


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Category Viewed: 5001x
Councils of London - New London AMD Council is born

GooseGridiron 400On 13th March 2017, at Mark Masons’ Hall, London, The Goose & Gridiron Council No.275 was consecrated by the Grand Master M.W. Bro. Thomas Firth Jackson and a full team of Grand Officers. Events started at 11am and the ceremony was conducted in a most excellent way by the Grand Officers and Petitioners. After R.W. Bro. Colin Woodcock - our District Grand Prefect - was installed as the first Worshipful Master, the new Council was closed and 80 of the 90 brethren attending were treated to a fabulous Carvery luncheon where the Grand Master was presented with a wonderful stainless steel Gridiron, designed and manufactured for this very special occasion.

The Goose & Gridiron is the first new Council for the District of London since 2006, and will meet on Saturdays to address the demand of AMD members unable to commit to weekday meetings.


Number of images in category: 22
Category Viewed: 12164x
Councils of London - Brigadier Galloway Council No. 126 meeting 14th October 2016
Brigadier Galloway Council No. 126 meeting 14th October 2016 at Mark Mason's Hall, London. Steven Warwick DepDGP was in attendance heading up the official visit where 2 new candidates joined the Order and who were then treated to an outstanding Grand High Priest ceremony.


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Category Viewed: 5068x
Councils of London - Guild of Freeman Council – Friday 7th October
The Knight of Constantinople and the Grand Tilers of Solomon degrees were conducted in the most wonderful fashion at the Guild of Freeman Council by a set of very distinguished officers. Deputy District Grand Prefect W. Bro Steven John Warwick , P.G.S.D with his delegation were present to make the meeting extra special for the brethren. The Knight of Constantinople degree teaches us the value of humility in every walk of life. The Grand Tilers of Solomon degree teaches the great danger of being careless and hasty in making judgments, which can be overcome by careful tiling.


Number of images in category: 7
Category Viewed: 4972x
Councils of London - Londinium Matutinius Meeting - July 2016

A lively midweek meeting at the Londinium Matutinus meeting where three candidates learnt the value of humility from the wonderful degree of The Knight of Constantinople. A certificate was presented to two brethren by the District Grand Junior Warden Ben Dykes. An enjoyable buffet lunch was held afterwards in which the brethren enjoyed the festive board.


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Category Viewed: 5184x
Councils of London - Rose and Lily Council No. 15 meeting Wednesday 22nd June 2016

A really fantastic meeting was held on Wednesday at Mark Masons’ Hall where five new candidates joined the Order, thereby making the Council even stronger. The District as a whole keeps going from strength to strength, with all Councils having a healthy membership.


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Category Viewed: 4983x
Councils of London - Meeting of The Council of the Four Kings No.7 June 2016

Superb meeting Wednesday evening (15/06/2016) at Mark Masons’ Hall, London where two candidates learnt the very important lesson of 'Truth' in an excellent Red Cross of Babylon Degree with help from the District Ritual Assistance Team and was witnessed by a District Delegation headed by the District Grand Senior Warden Patrick Jaillet


Number of images in category: 4
Category Viewed: 4763x
Councils of London - Londinium Council No. 47, meeting May 2016

A quite splendid District visit Londinium Council. Great friends, great company and great ritual. 3 ceremonies, with the Installation, SLM & GTS. Superb performances from Neil Thomas Allen as SD, Andrea Di Lena as IG, but the star of the show was Hugo Rietveld with an almost Olivier-esq Lecture. This is a Council that dined five, 2 years ago; a quite remarkable transformation. Well done to all.


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Category Viewed: 5285x
Councils of London - Britannic Council of Madeira Meeting March 2016

A super meeting of Britannic Council of Madeira. The District Grand Prefect was present with a District Delegation to see a first class Grand High Priest degree worked


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Category Viewed: 4839x
Councils of London - Rumbelow Council Meeting March 2016

Rumbelow Council enjoyed a fine March meeting recently (23/03/16) with RW Bro Colin Woodcock, DistGPref, attending in an Official capacity with an accompanying Delegation. However the highlight of the evening was the wonderful Red Cross of Babylon Degree that was worked by the Council. The ceremony was worked to an extremely high standard, with the District providing help via the new Ritual Assistance Team. A super meeting followed by a most convivial Festive Board.


Number of images in category: 13
Category Viewed: 5434x
Councils of London - Metropolitan council Installation Meeting March 2016

As we have over the last few years come to expect a great meeting at Metropolitan (TI) A council, we were not disappointed and the District delegation headed by Deputy District Grand Prefect Steven Warwick were treated to an excellent installation of the Council’s new Worshipful Master for the coming year.


Number of images in category: 15
Category Viewed: 5044x
Councils of London - Metropolitan council Meeting January 2016

Metropolitan Council “A” Time Immemorial, the oldest Council in the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas held a regular meeting on 20th January 2016 at Mark Masons’ Hall, London. At the meeting eight brethren were “Constituted and created a Knight of the Red Cross of Babylon”. This Degree fills the gap between the Craft and the Holy Royal Arch and deals with Zerubbabel obtaining permission to commence the rebuilding of the Temple. The lesson here is of the supreme importance of truth.


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Category Viewed: 5270x
Councils of London - The Guild of Freemen - January 2016

The District's first meeting of the New Year was that of The Guild of Freemen Council No. 145.

It was a busy evening with a candidate for St Lawrence the Martyr and 4 for Grand High Priest; both ceremonies being conducted to the high standard the Council is known for.

The meeting finished off in typical fashion at the Festive Board being that of the famous Mark Masons’ Hall carvery.


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Category Viewed: 5095x
Councils of London - Metropolitan Council T.I. - November 2015
Metropolitan Council T.I. (A). held an excellent meeting 18/11/2015 at Mark Mason’s Hall, London. After four candidates were Introduce, Receive and Admit in St. Lawrence the Martyr the DistGPref of Hertfordshire & Bedfordshire the RWBro John Paternoster conducted an unforgettable Grand High Priest degree,


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Category Viewed: 5016x
Councils of London - Britannic Council of Madeira Meeting September 2015

Britannic Council of Madeira No. 46 met 29/09/2015 at Mark Masons’ Hall, London for their installation meeting where W.Bro. Boon Tan was placed in the chair for the first time, Boon then opened in the degree of Knight of Constantinople and conducted an also perfect ceremony and lecture and the candidate was duly impressed with this entertaining and amusing but at the end, the candidate was left in no doubt of the importance of the virtue of humility.

The evening ending with an excellent and very filling 5 course Festive Board of Salmon and Spinach en croute


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Category Viewed: 5171x
Councils of London - Rose & Lily Council meeting June 2015

New Members at Rose & Lily Council No: 15

Superb meeting last night (24/06/2015) at Mark Masons’ Hall, London where six candidates joined the Rose & Lily Council. Following their Admission into St Lawrence the Martyr they were then knighted in the degree Knight of Constantinople. This was witness by a District delegation headed by the District Grand Senior Warden Derek Blumsom


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Category Viewed: 5254x
Councils of London - Londinium Matutinus Council No. 202 - May 2015

Londinium Matutinus Council No. 202 enjoyed a fine meeting on the 13th May 2015. Starting at 10am, it is the only London Council that meets in the morning. RW Bro Colin Woodcock MBE, District Grand Prefect attended in an Official capacity, accompanied by a team of District Officers. The Degree of St Lawrence The Martyr was worked first with 3 new candidates being Admitted, followed by an excellent Red Cross of Babylon Degree in which NINE candidates learnt the very important lesson of 'Truth'.

This successful meeting was finished with an informal Festive Board buffet style luncheon.


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Category Viewed: 5251x
Councils of London - Perram Council No. 45 Meeting January 2015

Perram Council No. 45 - Last nights' meeting was a great success with a new member Admitted to the Degree of Saint Lawrence the Martyr and four Anointed, Consecrated and Set Apart to the Office of Grand High Priest.


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Category Viewed: 5451x
Councils of London - Time Immemorial Council - Metropolitan “A”

A great meeting at the Time Immemorial Council - Metropolitan “A” with 4 candidates for St. Lawrence the Martyr and 8 Admitted to the degree Grand Tilers of Solomon, the work in the temple was to a high standard but the over whelming mood was of enjoyment as can been seen from the smiles in the photographs. The night was finished off with a great roast dinner of beef and pork.


Number of images in category: 13
Category Viewed: 5550x
Councils of London - Metropolitan council Installation Meeting March 2015
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Category Viewed: 5109x
Councils of London - Rumbelow Council Meeting March 2015
Number of images in category: 5
Category Viewed: 5219x
Councils of London - Britannic Council of Madeira Meeting March 2015

Britannic Council of Madeira No. 46 meeting 30th March 2015 at Mark Mason's Hall, London, Steven Warwick DepDGP was in attendance heading up the official visit where they were treated to an outstanding Grand Tilers of Solomon ceremony


Number of images in category: 18
Category Viewed: 5408x
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