New Members' Dinner 2024

On a hot July evening a number of new members to the AMD District of London gathered at The Boot & Flogger Public House near Borough market for the District's Annual New Members' Dinner. The evening was hosted by the District Grand Prefect, R. W. Bro. Colin Woodcock along with members of his executive, the Deputy District Grand Prefect V. W. Bro Steve Warwick, District Grand Senior Warden W. Bro. Peter Warner, District Grand Secretary W. Bro. Scott Cargill and District Grand Standard Bearer W. Bro. Terry Worrall.

As per the ethos of the District it was a very inclusive evening with Colin engaging all those new members to give their initial views on the order and what prompted them to join the order. This provided some interesting and positive feedback for Colin and his team. Terry Worrall gave an overview of the Councils within the District and there was very much an emphasis on visiting other Councils and encouraging brethren to take the opportunity to take Degrees where and when they could.

The District's Website, Social Media and events were explained by Steve Roberts who also gave an overview of the District's Online Council of Improvement encouraging all those present to register and come along.

A great evening with good food, drinks and excellent company. The evening concluded with a toast to our next merry meeting.


An Update from the District Grand Prefect - R.W. Bro. Colin Woodcock MBE

Brethren all,

I can now inform you that I have asked Scott Cargill to accept the position of Deputy District Grand Prefect for our District of London, I am pleased to say that he has accepted the role and he will be Installed at our District meeting in November.

Again I thank Steven for his service and support and I look forward to working with Scott to further develop and grow our wonderful Order in London. Scott is well known to you all and needs no introduction; he has been a tower of strength in a number of roles including as our District secretary and his skills, enthusiasm and energy will now be utilized as my Deputy.   I am sure his Installation will be a seamless transition and enable the District to move forward with renewed vigour.  I wish him well.

Let us have a huge attendance in November and demonstrate our support to him. 

Best wishes to all of you.


A Message from the District Grand Prefect - R.W. Bro. Colin Woodcock MBE

Brethren all, greetings to one and all.

I must report to you that our esteemed and ever popular Deputy District Grand Prefect - V. W. Bro Steve Warwick has informed me that he wishes to stand down from his Office as of our Annual meeting in November.

He has held the role of Deputy for 14 years and, from my position, he has been a tower of strength, a continual support and provider of much sage and positive advice - I shall miss his wise counsel and more importantly his company.  I am sure you will all have your own happy memories of his visits to your Councils and his fellowship in the bar and I shall have more (much more!) to say in November.

I am at the moment in the process of arranging for Officers for next year so when that is complete and a successor has accepted the office I shall write to you further with that announcement.

Thanks Steve and all best wishes to you.

A message from V.W. Bro Steven Warwick

It has been an honour to serve as Deputy District Grand Prefect in this wonderful District of London but all good things must come to an end.

Under the leadership of R.W.Bro Colin it has been a period of great success and innovation. We had our challenges during the Covid pandemic but rose above them by the introduction of clever, and in some ways groundbreaking, initiatives. We have emerged as the largest Province in the Order and are continuing to go from strength to strength.

 I feel that the time is now right for me to stand aside and allow someone else to bring a fresh perspective for the future.  I would like to thank each and every member of the District for their friendship and kindness and I shall, of course, continue to take a very active part in our activities. I wish you all well for what, I am sure, will be a very exciting time to come.

Council of the Four Kings Welcomes Deputy District Grand Prefect

On a sunny Wednesday 19th June, members of The Council of the Four Kings assembled in the Hong Kong room in Mark Masons' Hall for their June meeting.

There was a lot of work on the agenda, so promptly at 4pm Worshipful Master John Hicks opened the Lodge in St. Lawrence the Martyr. This was then followed by a Memoriam to W. Bro. Jeffrey Sloneem who sadly passed to the Great Lodge above on 24th May.

The Council then welcomed the Deputy District Grand Prefect, V. W. Bro. Steven Warwick and a delegation of District Grand Officers.

St. Lawrence was then adjourned. W. Bro. Terry Gilbert then took the principle's chair to open into the Degree of Masons Elect of Twenty-Seven. W. Bro. Terry then created Bro. Antonios Antoniou as a Grand Tiler of Solomon in great style assisted by officers of the lodge. 

After closing Grand Tilers, the lodge was opened in the Holy Order of Grand High Priest, this time with W. Bro. Stuart Graves in the principle's chair. Bro. Andy Green was the nominated candidate along with 5 others being Anointed, Consecrated and Set Apart to the office of Grand High Priest. The ceremony was again conducted in fine style by W. Bro. Stuart and officers of the lodge.

The Lodge was then duly closed. Members and visitors then retired to the Hertford room on the first floor to enjoy a fine festive board, which as always with AMD meetings was filled with chatter and laughter. Food eaten and wine drunk, the Worshipful Master concluded with a toast to the next merry meeting.