District Annual Meeting

On Saturday 16 November in the splendour of the Grand Temple in Mark Masons' Hall, R.W. Bro. Colin Woodcock MBE District Grand Prefect, welcomed R.W. Bro. Clive Manuel P.Dep.G.M. and a galaxy (is that the correct collective noun?) of other District Grand Prefects as well as representatives of other Districts and London members to London's Annual Meeting. 

Following the official welcome - which was full of the usual banter and laughter - the District Grand Prefect got down to the formal business of the day, of which one of the highlights was the investiture of W. Bro. Scott Cargill P.G.J.D. as the new Deputy District Grand Prefect. Scott replaces V.W. Steven Warwick P.G.Reg., who has been in post for 14 years and R.W. Bro. Colin paid fulsome praise to the huge amount of work and support provided by Steven during his time in office. Scott was previously the District Grand Secretary for 4 years.

The District Grand Prefect's address can be read here: DGP's AGM Address 16th Nov 2024 

The alms collection raised almost £500 which will be topped up by the District to £1,000 and will be donated to the Alzheimer's Society. Each year the charity is selected by one of the District's members or, in this case, his wife.

After the formal meeting, there was time for pre-prandial drinks before almost 100 brethren sat down to a fine luncheon of roasted sable fish followed by dark chocolate and cherry tart with honeycomb icecream.

All-in-all a most excellent way to spend 3.5 hours on a Saturday! 

More photos of the meeting can be viewed here:  District AGM

Metropolitan TI - DGP, Dep DGP & New Member

Members of Metropolitan TI Council assembled in the Bristol room at Mark Masons' Hall for their November meeting. The meeting was graced by the presence of our District Grand Prefect R.W. Bro Colin Woodcock and the Deputy District Grand Prefect W. Bro. Scott Cargill, who were both at the meeting as members of the Council.

The Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Tony Pattison opened the meeting, and then proceeded to conduct the degree of St. Lawrence the Martyr to admit into the order Bro. David Daniels. This was conducted in fine style with the lecture being given excellently by W. Bro. Roger Keys.

W. Bro. David Green then took the Principle's chair to conduct the Grand Tilers of Solomon. David was on top form to create three Brethren as Grand Tilers with an equally flawless lecture from Bro. Jake Mossom.

The Council was resumed into St. Lawrence and the Worshipful Master reported that W. Bro. David Green had tracked down a Past Master's jewel which appeared to have been owned by W. Bro. Gordon Little a member and Past Master of the Council. The Worshipful Master thanked W. Bro. David for securing the jewel and presenting it back to the Council.

Meeting complete the Brethren visited the duty free lounge on the 2nd floor before making their way to the Earl of Euston room where they enjoyed a most excellent festive board with wine and port. Toasts were given, responses made and finally the Worshipful Master wished everyone a happy festive period and toasted to their next merry meeting.



DGP's AGM Address 16th Nov 2024

Good morning brethren and welcome.

I thank you all for being with us here today, it is a big day for us in London – a change of Deputy heralds another step forward in our District history.  I have already said thank you to Steve for his work to date – and that is heartfelt – thank you Steve and let me say again welcome to Scott -  I know you will work hard but enjoy your time as Deputy – always enjoy what you do.

It is an enormous privilege for me to hold the office of District Grand Prefect for London, we are a wonderful, vibrant, sociable and happy group, our numbers are rising and our councils are in good health.  We could all do with more candidates,  of course, but we have many and varied plans to continue that quest.

Before I go too much further, I must thank those who make such an effort to ensure that everything in our District goes smoothly and efficiently.

Welcome to our new District Grand Secretary - Richard Criddle, you have worked very hard to make today so successful.  Thank you.

Roger Keys our District DC who has such a busy year with visits and ensuring that today is a success – nearly there Roger!!!!

Our District Treasurer – John Baker, thank you for your hard work and support through the year.

To Dougie Black who has enhanced our meeting with music – I appreciate your support Dougie and to Mark Corcoran our Tyler who has given this District much help and support during the year. thank you. 

To Stephen Schofield who ably organises and manages our Official visits and to all those who come along to support our visits even though they have moved on from being Active District Officers, this is most heartening – thank you.

Finally, our secretaries, who keep our Councils running well and effectively, thank you for your time and effort, it is much appreciated.  Thank you.

Let me not forget those who manage our Social Media and the virtual LofI – Steve Roberts, many thanks.

Our District is strong and thriving, but we must not be complacent, and we must take every opportunity to attract Mark Master Masons to come and join us and enjoy the special qualities and companionship that we have in Allied Masonry. Some of our new members are with us today. Enjoy your allied Masonry with us in London.

We have had success at Grand Rank as well, 9 this year……

Pierre Doumit appointed to Grand Steward – here today proudly wearing your Chain

Vincent Driver promoted to PGSD and

Roger Keys promoted to PGJD.

First Appointments for –

Barrie Goulding, Paul Nash & Graham Thorn as Past Grand Standard Bearer.

Roger Cogan, Reverend Chris Damp & Terry Gilbert as Past Grand Inner Guard 

Congratulations to them and all those across the Order who have been so honoured.

And the good times do not stop there  -

  • Our social events continue – except for last week when a threatened train strike forced us to cancel, we will rearrange our visit to the new museum of London and dinner afterwards.
  • We held our annual dinner for Secretaries and Treasurers.
  • And we enjoyed a jovial dinner for new members which I always find very enjoyable and instructive – it is interesting to hear why members join and what they expect to get out of it, it definitely influences how we chart the course of the district.
  • Following on from my news of last year regarding a new Council in London our papers are with the Grand Secretary, it has been approved with the number 286 and the name of Universal Council, we now await dates and other details, but I can tell you it will be late February or early March 2025. This is all very exciting and Universal Council will be a wonderful addition to our District

Finally, let me say a huge thank you to the members from London and our guests who have joined with me today, in such good numbers, to celebrate our wonderful Order and its strength and prosperity. In a few weeks it will be December and the Christmas season will be here again I wish you and your families, most especially at this time, all good wishes, good health and much happiness.

May the Great disposer of all bless you and keep you well.

Autumn Social Event - Thursday 7th November



This event has been cancelled due to the Tube Strike Scheduled for the day of the event Thursday 7th November. Members who booked in for the event have been emailed to provide information on refunds.

Next Meetings

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall
Red Cross of Babylon

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall
Consecration of a new AMD District of London Council by the Grand Master and his team.

Mark Masons' Hall
Installation Meeting

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall
Installation Meeting

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