Rumbelow Council No. 67 - Welcomes District Grand Senior Warden

On the evening of Wednesday 3rd April, the District Grand Senior Warden, W. Bro. Peter Warner, paid an official visit to Rumbelow Council No.67 along with his delegation. We were treated to a really excellent Grand Tilers of Solomon ceremony which completed the Candidate’s (Bro. Marios Stylianides) set of 5 ceremonies.
We were also entertained by the Council’s Treasurer, W. Bro. Richard Higginson, who brilliantly sang the accounts to a Bob Marley medley with audience participation. We all joined in the chorus of “no money, no Port”, so the Worshipful Master (W. Bro. Mark Riches) kindly treated us to Port after our meal.
The meeting and the subsequent Festive Board were lively with plenty of friendly banter and comradery  - the hallmarks of a superb AMD London meeting.

Metropolitan TI "A" Welcomes District Grand Junior Warden

Members of Metropolitan Council TI "A" assembled in the Bristol room at Mark Masons' Hall on Wednesday 20th March. The District Grand Junior Warden W. Bro. Jan Melvin and his delegation were warmly welcomed into the Council.

W. Bro. Terry Worrall assisted by his officers then conducted the ceremony of St. Lawrence the Martyr to introduce to the order Bro. Ed Hardman. W. Bro. Roger Keys presented the lecture in great style.

The WM then installed W. Bro. Tony Pattison as WM for the ensuing year. The newly installed Master then appointed and invested his officers.

Meeting concluded we made our way to the Egerton room where the newly installed Master had arranged for a sparkling drinks reception. We then enjoyed some excellent food, with fine wine and rounded off with Port. The evening concluding with a toast to our next merry meeting.

Photos from the evening can be viewed here

The Order of the Ceramic Mug!


Whilst working in a remote part of my garage my foot rested on some imperfect masonry which gave way beneath me and precipitated me into a dark and gloomy pit. After a short time I became aware of a large box in the distance towards which I groped my way whilst humming the theme tune to Indiana Jones.

Arriving there I opened the box and discovered that it contained many ancient AMD ceramics.

I had long heard rumours of these lost antiquities but until now I had not believed that they existed. Legend tells that they are part of the long lost Order of the Ceramic Mug! It is said that he who owns one of these ancient ceramics remains calm because he has joined the Allied. They can be used to hold the elixir of life (Tea!) or if turned upside down it can be used as a small table to rest your ritual book upon.

As I need room in my garage and need to repair the hole I had fallen into, we are offering you the chance to purchase one of this rare antiquities (or as many as you wish), at a knock down price of just £5 plus P&P.

Do not delay there is a limited supply and one was recently seen on an episode of the Antiques Road show (well it wasn't an exhibit but you could see a bloke called Colin in the background drinking from one).

To secure your ceramic and join the Order please click on the link below and complete the form. I will then contact you regards payment and delivery.

To save of postage costs we can also arrange to deliver your sacred mug to you at your next AMD Council meeting.


Click to Order 



Metropolitan Council TI "A"

Members of Metropolitan Council TI "A" assembled in Grand Lodge at Mark Masons' Hall on Wednesday 17th January. They kicked off the new year in fine style by introducing 2 brethren as Knights of Constantinople. The common people were really common and the Nobility were very noble!! This was then followed by making 4 brethren Grand Tilers of Solomon. Both ceremonies conducted in fine style by the Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Terry Worrall, ably assisted by his officers.

Meeting concluded we made our way to the waiting area on the 2nd floor before proceeding to the Earl of Euston room for an excellent festive board with fine wine and Port. Toasts made and concluding with a toast to our next merry meeting.

Photos from the evening can be viewed here