Perram Council Welcomes Deputy District Grand Prefect

On Monday 30th October Perram Council No. 45 welcomed the Deputy District Grand Prefect V.W. Bro. Steven Warwick and a delegation of District Grand Officers to their meeting. Also in attendance was R.W. Bro. Richard Mayers, District Grand Prefect for South & East Caribbean.

During the meeting W. Bro. Chetan Patel was installed in fine form by W. Bro. Aiden McDonald. The Worshipful Master then installed his officers.

The meeting was then interrupted by W. Bro. Michael West, Assistant Grand Tyler, who presented to the Worshipful Master, a jewel which had come into his possession and what appeared to be a Past Master's Jewel which belonged to Perram Council. The Worshipful Master thanked Michael for repatriating the Jewel to the Council. The Jewel was then presented to W. Bro. Aiden McDonald as the Immediate Past Master.

The meeting was then closed and brethren retired to the holding area on the 2nd floor before gathering for a most enjoyable festive board where we enjoyed a carvery dinner.

During dinner R.W. Bro. Richard Mayers mentioned that he was last at Perram Council exactly 7 years previously. A picture from that meeting is shown below.


Photos from the meeting can be viewed here.

Londinium welcomes the Dep GM and Dist GSW


A great turn out for the meeting of Londinium Council No. 47 on Tuesday 16th May. The Council was opened, and the brethren first welcomed the District Grand Senior Warden, W. Bro. Peter Warner, and a delegation of District Grand Officers. They then welcomed the Deputy Grand Master R. W. Bro. Ian Bailey who was escorted by the Grand Director of Ceremonies V. W. Bro. Glyn Goddard.

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Sunshine on Londinium Matutinus Council No. 202


On a beautiful warm and sunny May morning, members of Londinium Matutinus Council No. 202 met at Mark Masons' Hall to conduct the ceremony of The Red Cross of Babylon.

A very well attended meeting of members and guests with 4 candidates taking the degree. The lodge was opened to due form and then called off to prepare the room for the ceremony. This was conducted in fine form by W. Bro. Andrew Leveridge assisted by his officers and some visiting brethren filling in where required.

The nominated candidate Bro. Tim Grier along with the other three candidates were treated to a great ceremony introducing them to the order.

After the meeting the brethren retired to the bar before making their way to the dining room where a most enjoyable lunch ensued before the Brethren toasted to their next merry meeting. 

More photos from the meeting can be viewed here

A Grand Day Out

On Tuesday 11th April members of the Allied Masonic Degrees District of London, along with their partners and friends, assembled in the Millennium Courtyard at Southwark Cathedral on the south bank of the Thames. This was the 2023 Spring Lunch Event. It kicked off with a tour of the Cathedral by our guides Colin and Martyn. Our 2 groups were given a splendid tour. Some places are just soaked in history and Southwark and its Cathedral is one of those places.

After just over an hour touring the Cathedral we made our way through the winding passageways of Borough Market to the Boot & Flogger Pub in Red Cross Way. Here we had a most enjoyable lunch filled with good food, wine and a room full of chatter and laughter.

The District Grand Prefect, Colin Woodcock, made a short address thanking the organisers, but most importantly everyone in the room for coming along to the event which proved to be a grand day out.

Click here to view some photos from the event.

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Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall
Installation Meeting

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall
Installation Meeting

Mark Masons' Hall
Installation Meeting

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