DGP Presents a 70 year certificate

On 4th April our District Grand Prefect R. W. Bro Colin Woodcock MBE attended Broad Forde Lodge in Wiltshire at the request of and as a guest of Alex Purves to present him with his 70 years in Masonry certificate (Scottish Constitution).  Colin says that the Lodge worked a very good (and unusual) ceremony of Raising -  Alex is a leading light in the Lodges LoI and it showed!!

The Lodge was closed and Alex's family were invited in and Colin presented the certificate - tears of emotion all round!!  As we know well - Alex is a much loved and regarded brother. Also Alex is going to be 90 years old on Wednesday 25th May - amazing.

To read Colin's presentation speech click here



Metropolitan "A" start the new year with a great meeting

On Wednesday 19th January, members of Metropolitan "A" Council met to conduct the ceremonies of Knight of Constantinople and The Red Cross of Babylon. The WM W. Bro. Terry Worrall assisted by his officers admitted, made, created and constituted 5 new Knights into the order. The WM was then assisted by W. Bro. Roger Keys to conducted the Red Cross of Babylon where they constituted 5 new Knights into the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross of Babylon.

The brethren then retired to the Earl of Euston room to partake in a splendid festive board, where the rack of lamb was particularly good and accompanied by some very acceptable wines. Toasts and fire followed before we bid farewell until our next merry meeting.

Some photos of the festive board can be viewed here

District Annual Meeting 2021

On Saturday 20th November 2021, members of the Allied Masonic Degrees for the District of London along with distinguished brethren from other districts assembled in Grand Temple at Mark Masons' Hall for the District's Annual Meeting.

The meeting was opened at 11am by R.W. Bro. Colin Woodcock MBE, District Grand Prefect for London.

He gave a warm welcome to everybody and thanked them for their attendance. Visitors representing other districts were then introduced. All 11 Councils in London were represented by members in attendance.

A moment of silence was then observed in respect of those brethren who had passed to the Grand Lodge above during the past year. Colin also informed the brethren of the sad news that W. Bro. Anthony Carew-Hunt had passed away just a few days prior to the meeting. Tony was the District Grand Senior Deacon and a valued member of the Order and will be sadly missed.

Colin, thanked the hard work of his Executive and the secretariat for all their hard work in the past 12 months.

District Officers were then invested along with those receiving promotions.

The District Grand Prefect's Address can be read here.

The meeting was closed at noon and attendees retired to the bar before gathering for a splendid Festive Board. As you would expect from AMD gatherings there was much chatter, smiling faces and laughter. A great event, and much credit goes to W. Bro. Scott Cargill, District Grand Secretary and W. Bro. Richard
Criddle, Assistant District Grand Secretary for putting the event together.

Further photographs from the event can been seen here.

DGP Visits Londinium No.47

A great turnout at Londinium this evening with 25 attending along with an official visit by the District Grand Prefect, R.W. Colin Woodcock accompanied by a delegation of District Grand Officers.
We witnessed 3 new members being introduced into the St. Lawrence the Martyr degree in fine style by W. Bro. Iain Ness, occupying the chair to conduct the ceremony. This was finished off by a splendid oration of the lecture by W. Bro. John Johnston.
We were then privileged to witness 5 candidates being made, created and constituted as Kinghts of Constantinople. This ceremony being conducted again in fine style by the WM, W. Bro. Stephen Schofield and again the degree was finished off by Bro. Matthew Christmas giving an excellent rendition of the lecture.
We then retired to the Euston Room to enjoy a most enjoyable festive board.