On Tuesday 18th June members of the Britannic Council of Madeira No. 46 assembled at Mark Masons' Hall for their June meeting. It was a great turnout of members, candidates and guests with barely a spare seat in the room. The Lodge was opened by Worshipful Master Alan White, who then welcomed into the meeting the District Grand Prefect R.W. Bro. Colin Woodcock MBE, accompanied by a delegation of District Grand Officers.

The Council then conducted the degree of The Red Cross of Babylon. There were 8 candidates to be dubbed and created Knights of the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross of Babylon. Bro. Rev. Timothy L'Estrange acted as the nominated candidate. The ceremony was conducted in fine style with W. Bro. Alan White taking the principle role in the Royal Arch Court and W. Bro. Boon Tan taking the principle role in the Persian Court. Both ably assisted by officers of the lodge. The bridge needed re-enforcing to accommodate the 8 candidates.

The meeting concluded the Council then joined the Eric White Council from the District of Essex for a combined Festive Board. The Eric White Council had conducted the ceremony of Grand High Priest. As always the room was filled with chatter and laughter with both Worshipful Masters conducting the toasts before the final toast to our next merry meeting.  
