September message from the District Grand Prefect

14 8Greetings one and all,
September has arrived with uncertain weather, variable news for rail travellers and a fairly up and down stock market, however this month also heralds the beginning a new Allied Masonic season which prospect alone can bring a smile to our faces, a lighter tread to our walk and the certainty of an enjoyable time with our friends.

I hope that the summer months have been good to you, it has not been too bad for sunshine and the rain we did get was needed, perhaps not so much all at once but I have noticed the soft fruit and tomatoes have done rather well – more chutney than I can give away!!  Holidays or time spent relaxing are always good value and even better for the brain, Doctors will prescribe rest and relaxation but do not go so far as to give a prescription for it, oh well – happy memories.

We have not been too dormant during the few months break - the Communications Team have been working hard on the website and following our Secretaries and Treasurers meeting, which was well attended and very successful, we have new ideas and suggestions which will be taken forward over the next few months and publicized on the website.

The date of November 10th has been selected for a lunch for members, partners, as well as prospective candidates, please support this venture.  If it is a success then we can repeat it at appropriate intervals (once a years seems about right at the moment) but as ever, your feedback is needed.  At the time of writing the venue has not been selected but all details will be on the Website and circulated to all Councils.

The Allied Masonic Degrees Grand Meeting is to be held in London on 27th October, please come along and support this meeting, it is the second time in London and it would be nice for a good amount of support from us.  It is also a good opportunity to see and meet with our Grand Master – MW Bro Tom Jackson.

But the big event for us is our District Meeting, which is to be held at MMH on Saturday 21st November 2015.  Last year we had another increase in numbers and this year I would like us to have even more, it would be great to see all newly joined members there with support from their Councils.

Our programme of Full Team Visits is being finalized along with the other visits to take place; offers of appointments and promotions have been sent to those deserving candidates and plans are well afoot for a new Masonic Year.

All in all an exciting propsect and I am looking forward to visiting and meeting with you all over the next 10 months or so for what I am sure will be another happy and successful year for London AMD.

All best wishes
Colin Woodcock
District Grand Prefect

Bristol 3rd degree Ceremony to be worked in London.

Something very special is happening in Metropolitan Craft Masonry. On the 7th November 2015 at Freemasons’ Hall, London, Third Degree Bristol Working will be demonstrated by the Master and Officers of The Cabot Lodge No 3884 in the Province of Bristol by kind permission of the RW Provincial Grand Master for Bristol and the RW Metropolitan Grand Master of London and hosted at Bristol Lodge.

Bristol Lodge No 4522 was consecrated in 1923, having been sponsored by Cabot Lodge, for the benefit of Bristolians living and working in London.
It has been a long standing tradition that every 4-5 years, at their November Meeting and with the approval of their Provincial Grand Master, a lodge from Bristol has been permitted to visit Bristol Lodge in London and demonstrate a ceremony under the unique Bristol Working.

The RW Provincial Grand Master for Bristol, RW Bro Alan Vaughan with agreement from the RW Metropolitan Grand Master has once again followed this tradition. However, this year there will be a variation from the normal demonstration and on this occasion Cabot Lodge will hold a conjoint meeting with Bristol Lodge and conduct a live 3rd Degree ceremony.



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Spring message from the District Grand Prefect

Greetings to you all and I hope that this finds you and your families and friends in good health.  Spring is now upon us and the weather has, eventually, recognized that it is the time of year for sun, bird song and lighter evenings – at last!
Allied Masonry in London is going from strength to strength with all units securing candidates, some are doing very well indeed and this is excellent news.

We have had three full team visits so far, to Guild of Freeman, to Metropolitan A and to Londinium Matutinus, all were hugely enjoyable and it I was grateful for such good support from the District Officers.  I have also made other visits to Metropolitan A and Rumbelow, again excellent meetings and great fun.

My Deputy, Steve Warwick, has also been busy visiting, as have our two Wardens of the year, Derek Blumsom and Derek Burt.  My thanks to everyone for displaying such companionship, warm welcome and hospitality to us.
Elsewhere on the website can be found details of our visiting schedule and I remind everyone that they are welcome to join us on any occasion.  
I am considering an idea of hosting a lunch at the Guildhall at some time in the Autumn, this will be for London AMD masons and partners, it will be reasonably priced and will allow us to meet in a splendid setting for a relaxed occasion – let me know what you think and whether you would support such an event.
All best wishes to you all and I look forward to seeing you at your Councils before the summer is upon us.

Colin Woodcock
District Grand Prefect.

Ask the Exec - Steven Warwick, Deputy District Grand Prefect

Over the last few weeks questions have been put to our Deputy District Grand Prefect Steven Warwick in the District of London, here’s the question and answer session

Q1: What attracts you to the Allied Masonic Degree over other ‘side degrees’?
A: Primarily, the bringing together of 5 degrees that have no obvious link, making for a diversity of subject matter not found elsewhere in Masonry.

Q2: Describe your typical Masonic week?
A: Typical Masonic week – there isn’t one! I tend to go through periods of intense Masonic activity followed by relative calm. Most weeks contain at least one Masonic meeting and some are almost filled with Masonry.

Q3: What is your favourite part of being a member of the Dist Exec?
A: The opportunity not only to visit Councils in our own District but to also to be invited to other District meetings throughout the country. It is always enjoyable and instructive to see how other Districts approach their Allied Masonry.

Q4: Moving forward, could you describe the vision the Exec has for the Dist and how are you planning to implement it?
A: As has already been demonstrated, the vision is for a strong and vibrant District attracting increasing numbers of members. We have already conducted successful awareness events and we will continue to build on this foundation to attract non members into our wonderful Order. Our innovative communications team play a vital part in communicating the delights of our Order to those who haven’t yet taken the plunge!

Q5: Which is your favourite of the five Degrees and why?
A: My favourite has to be the Knights of Constantinople. It has an important moral and Masonic message that should be something we all strive to achieve – to treat all people with respect as human beings sharing this world, whatever their status or background. At the same time, it is a very enjoyable ceremony which lends itself to a fun interpretation, especially in the hands of some of our more theatrical Brethren!

Q6: When, why and how did you become a FM?
A: I became a Freemason in 1977 when I was Initiated into my Old School Lodge. I was attracted to Freemasonry by seeing others from my school who were clearly enjoying their involvement enormously.

Q7: Describe your life outside FM?
A: Apart from work, quite a lot of time is taken up with my role as Greater London Chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses. This involves me in a wide range of activities in London and I sit on several committees representing the views of small businesses. I very much enjoy my garden and play golf to an increasingly bad standard! I also enjoy socialising with my non Masonic friends.

Q8: Recruitment, being the biggest challenge of any ‘side degree’, what is the ‘second’ biggest challange?
A: I think the question cannot be divided into different parts of Masonry – all of Masonry has recruitment as a primary challenge and I think all of Masonry has retention as the second. The challenge is to introduce changes that make Masonry more compatible with modern life. The start time of meetings is just one example as today people can’t just “slide away” from their workplace as easily as they perhaps once could. I don’t think we have yet fully grasped the issue of changes in society and the way they impact on the ability to be an active Freemason. Retention is, I think, is the second biggest challenge for Masonry and, of course, it is bound up with the first challenge of recruitment as our sometimes old fashioned practices can both prevent people from joining and cause them to leave.

Q9: The Dist Council Mtg is the highlight of the season. For you, what makes it so special?
A: It is the time to reward the hard work of those who make our Councils both fun and successful and an opportunity to enjoy the company of so many Allied friends from within the District and from other Districts. It gives a clear focus to our efforts throughout the remainder of the Masonic year.

Q10: If you were to choose one word to describe the AMD, what would it be?
A: Variety

Next Meetings

Mark Masons' Hall
St Lawrence the Martyr
Installation Meeting

Mark Masons' Hall
St Lawrence the Martyr
Installation Meeting

London Museum & Browns West India Quay
Guided Tour of London Museum followed by supper

Mark Masons' Hall
The Annual Meeting of the District of London 2024

Mark Masons' Hall
Installation Meeting

Mark Masons' Hall
Grand Tilers of Solomon
St Lawrence the Martyr

Mark Masons' Hall
Grand Tilers of Solomon
St Lawrence the Martyr

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall
Installation Meeting

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