A fantastic meeting of Metropolitan TI Council at Mark Masons' Hall on Wednesday 15th January. The meeting was also honoured by the presence of the Deputy District Grand Prefect W. Bro. Scott Cargill. This was the Dep. DGP's first outing in his new role and he was accompanied by a delegation of District Grand Officers. There were over 30 brethren present in the Grand Temple.
The Council conducted the degree of The Red Cross of Babylon for 10 candidates with Bro. David Daniel as the nominated candidate. The Royal Arch Council was conducted in fine style by the Worshipful Master W. Bro. Tony Pattison assisted by his officers.
W. Bro. Roger Keys then took the principle's chair to conduct the Persian Court, again with some fine ritual and assisted by members of the Council.
The degree complete, other Council business was conducted including the election of Master Elect Bro. Stephen Roberts. Business concluded, the Council was closed and members and guests retired to the departure lounge on the 2nd floor before proceeding to the Hertford room for the festive board.
2 delightful courses, fine wines, cheese and port were consumed with much warmth and chatter in the room. Finally, toasts were given, fire executed, responses made and all concluded by the WM giving the last toast to their next merry meeting.