Rose & Lily Council welcomes Deputy District Grand Prefect

After completing their OSM meeting in the Bristol room, members of Rose & Lily moved next door to the Hong Kong room to hold their AMD installation meeting.
The Council welcomed V.W. Bro. Steven Warwick, Deputy District Grand Prefect for what was to be his final official visit. He was accompanied by a delegation of District Grand Officers.
Unfortunately, the WM was delayed and was unable to make the meeting. But, fear not, W. Bro. Vincent Fattorusso was on hand to step in at the last minute and launch into the St. Lawrence the Martyr ceremony introducing Bro. Dr. Syed Ali Abbas into the order.
That completed Vincent then proceeded to install Bro. Richard Morgan into the chair with much aplomb.
Vincent then took a well earned rest in his Treasurer's chair while the newly installed WM installed his officers.
A 2 course carvery followed in the Earl of Euston room accompanied as always by chattering and laughter until the WM toasted to their next merry meeting.

Britannic Council of Madeira installs new Master and welcomes 2 new members

The Britannic Council of Madeira No. 46 kicked off their masonic season with an installation and double introduction of 2 new Brethren into the Order.

First off W.M. Alan White installed W. Bro. Mark Nixon into the chair in fine style. The WM then installed his officers. The WM, along with his newly installed team, introduced Bro. Derek Billinghurst and Bro. Augustine Francis into the Order by conducting the St. Lawrence the Martyr degree. The lecture was given in fine manner by W. Bro. Boon Tan at very short notice.

The Council was closed in due form and Brethren retired to the 2nd floor departure lounge before enjoying a very convivial 2 course dinner in the Duke of Connaught room.

Wine taken, toasts made, the WM concluded the evening with a toast to our next merry meeting.

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Autumn Social Event - Thursday 7th November


Booking for this event is not closed. If you would like to be added to a waiting list then please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

This year's Autumn Social event will be on Thursday 7th November. We have arranged a group tour at the London Museum at West India Quay, Canary Wharf followed by supper at Brown's West India Quay.

The Museum tour will start at 3:30 pm and last for around 75 minutes. The tour gives you an overview of London’s river, port and people. The tour stops at all the museum's galleries and focuses on key objects and the stories behind them.

After the tour we will make the short walk along West India Quay for a 2 course supper at Browns Restaurant at 5:15pm.

You, your partner and friends are warmly invited to this District Autumn Social Event.

Tickets are £46 per person

The ticket price covers the cost of the guided tour and a 2 course supper (main + dessert)
** Please note that wine is NOT included

W. Bro. Ivor Cook

It is with much sadness that we have to inform you that Worshipful Brother Ivor Cook recently passed away. Ivor was a member of Perram and Londinium Matutinus  Councils. Please keep Ivor and his family in your thoughts during this difficult time.

Next Meetings

Mark Masons' Hall
St Lawrence the Martyr
Installation Meeting

London Museum & Browns West India Quay
Guided Tour of London Museum followed by supper

Mark Masons' Hall
The Annual Meeting of the District of London 2024

Mark Masons' Hall
Installation Meeting

Mark Masons' Hall
Grand Tilers of Solomon
St Lawrence the Martyr

Mark Masons' Hall
Grand Tilers of Solomon
St Lawrence the Martyr

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall

Mark Masons' Hall
Installation Meeting

Mark Masons' Hall

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